Is Ammunition Availability and Cost Returning to Normal?
The answer is not simple, but here is our best guess!
Yes, there exists currently an ease in market pricing of ammunition, an improvement in availability, and a return of many firearm models to the shelves, however, we still suggest to start looking for your range and hunting ammo now.
There are several reasons for this early search for that perfect box of hunting rounds and range Ammo for next season now.
First, there is always a lull in firearms & ammunition demand during the June-August summer months; we suspect the lull this year is artificially strong given the double urgency to go on vacation. Many people who were locked in during COVID mandates are acting on this strong urge to go this vacation season. Take a look at the avaiablility and cost of beach/mountain rentals and vacation spot crowding; the people are focused on other things- NOW will be the best availability for some time if previous trends hold true. When these folks come home, they will certainly start planning hunting purchases, Christmas gifts, and resume normal spending; when mama wants to go to the beach, daddy ain’t spending anything!
Second, the politics of gun control are very much a factor for the foreseeable future. Both the Biden Administration and the ATF recently proposed law and rule changes that will likely spur new purchases, shortages, and increased demand. Though it is not expected to reach COVID levels, these demand spikes will follow the political developments similar to the Obama era.
Third, raw materials are still short & more costly; coupled with labor shortages and increased wages, these factors will certainly constrict supplies or create production choices that manufacturers often are required to make; e.g. whether to use resources on 9mm or 9mm Largo (an obscure and less popular caliber).
Also, wholesale sources are still largely unavailable as an ammunition purchasing source for many dealers. Additionally, even when ammunition is offered, paired purchase requirements for items dealers are going to have lots of trouble selling without a loss are required. These paired purchasing offers will ensure ammunition, even from wholesale, will not be as attractive as pre-Covid costs. Many dealers, similar to our location, have resorted to stocking from larger contract holders at whatever the necessary cost; there were simply too many new gun owners to fail to offer ammunition – even if it was much more expensive than pre-Covid.
The good news is that we are forecasting a slow, continuing improvement in both availability and pricing, but expecting a modest increase in demand that will cause a plateau in improvement with one major condition: the Biden Administration must leave its plans for gun control alone or at the very least stay quiet. Of course, the statistics for Biden/Harris remaining neutral are not in our favor.
Remember, the Christmas purchasing season is coming, as well as the hunting season demand spikes; start looking now to prevent a ruined hunting trip or shell shock when demand spikes. Plus, inflation is expected to remain on the rise, this will certainly effect costs far into the future. A little planning now could pay dividends in the stand, on the range, and for your wallet far into the future!
So, Is ammunition availability and cost retuning to normal? Only time will tell, but costs certainly will not be pre-Covid levels once full availability returns.
Take advantage of the summer demand lull as soon as you can!
Is Ammunition Availability and Cost Returning to Normal?
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